Settlement loans and credit cards often seem like a dream come true for someone who is in need of cash to make ends meet. But then again, they can also be quite a nightmare for the person needing the fast cash. It's not that the person doesn't earn enough money to pay back his or her debt. It's the interest rates that can really drive a person crazy. Here's what you need to know about settlement loans and credit cards:
When the economy was in the tank after Hurricane Katrina, many people could no longer pay their mortgages. As the owner of a home, they suddenly found themselves owing thousands of dollars in judgments and back taxes. This new burden didn't discriminate between homeowners and non-homeowners. Many businesses were either put out of business or had to downsize because of the lack of capital. The result was that many local residents were left with few options, and one of those options was lawsuit loans and settlement loans. For more details about this service click here:
Back then, people weren't using structured settlement funding much. The concept was still brand new, so the lenders were hesitant to approve large sums of cash advances. For one thing, they didn't understand how the transactions worked. They didn't realize that the person receiving the cash advance would be responsible for repaying the lender if the recipient died, quit their job, became ill or fell ill. Because of this, it was very unlikely that the recipient of lawsuit settlement loans and/or structured settlement funding would ever become unable to pay.
As time passed, however, more creditors and banks began to understand the value of structured settlement funding. They began approving larger amounts of funding more easily and aggressively. While this helped to relieve some of the overall mortgage crisis, it also created a glut of cash advances out there. Many people began to take advantage of these loans, and soon the glut became a problem.
When the recession hit and the economy started to heal itself, many companies experienced a huge decline in lending. In order to get back to normal business, insurance companies and mortgage companies required that borrowers first get approval from a major credit rating agency, such as Experian, Equifax or TransUnion. The only way to get approved after that was through a lawsuit financing company. Without a loan from a reputable lending institution, many lawsuit funding companies dried up, while the plaintiffs that had received cash advance approved loaned the money to the company that had approved their original lawsuit financing loan. take a look at this site to discover more about these services.
Since the housing boom and bust, many lenders have implemented strict guidelines for approval. Lenders now require that applicants provide documentation of pending litigation. Even though the vast majority of plaintiffs receive cash advance loans for the first time, there are still significant numbers of individuals who are being turned down for suit loans. This has become such a substantial problem that many lending institutions are starting to look for other means of providing their clients with lawsuit loans. For example, many major banks and lending institutions have recently entered into commercial agreements with investment securities firms to provide lawsuit loans to qualified businesses. While these lending institutions haven't entered into agreements with all the private settlement funding companies, the fact that large banks have entered into agreements with at least two of them indicates that the market for lawsuit loans is starting to become more competitive. This post will help you understand the topic even better: